Kendra Steiner Editions (Bill Shute)

September 30, 2007

Volcanic Tongue write-up for TELESMA CHARGING (KSE #63)

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 9:43 pm

Volcanic Tongue has now listed KSE #63, TELESMA CHARGING (Sound Library Series, Volume 24), on its 9/30/07 new release list. Here’s the brief write-up:

“New work from Crutchfield and Shute with a single extended wave form of words/images/times/places all inspired by the benign rays of Axolotl’s amazing Telesma recording, a past VT Tip Of The Tongue. Hand-numbered edition of 37 copies and already sold-out at source.”

Volcanic Tongue has the last remaining copies of the first printing. However, we’ll have a cheaper second printing (four bucks, not five pounds!), with a slightly different cover, available soon. Let us know if you’re interested, and we’ll save you a copy from the second run.

We’re over 1000 visitors to this blog now. Thanks!

September 29, 2007

new chapbook OBJECTLESS (KSE #71) now available

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 10:31 am

Often I challenge myself, when studying an artwork in another medium (painting, sculpture, film, music, etc.), to understand its technique, the logic of its construction, and to find a way to adapt that logic to poetry. My modern retelling of the classical twelve labours of Hercules, TWELVE GATES TO THE CITY, was inspired by my understanding of Jean-Luc Godard’s amazing cinematic adaptation of KING LEAR. Among my recent poetry, LARKSPUR VARIATIONS was inspired by the technique of painter Francis Bacon, and NORWICH UNVEILED was inspired by the technique of painter Edward Hopper. The volumes in our “Creel Pone Sound Study Series” are influenced by the technique and structure of the electronic music compositions (released on the Creel Pone label) on which the particular volumes are based. As a longtime admirer of the ideas and work of Russian-Ukranian painter Kazimir Malevich, I thought about the challenge of creating a literary work that somehow reflected his aesthetic, rooted in color and form and texture, but not in representation, even abstract representation, of things. Of course, Gertrude Stein, Clark Coolidge, early Aram Saroyan, and others have investigated this in great depth in their own literary works, so I don’t claim that this is any original attempt–it’s only original for me, in the sense that I am using it as an aesthetic principle in my work, and my use of any aesthetic principle will create a different result from your use of it or anyone else’s use of it. That’s what makes life interesting!

I created a five-page work, each page with an evocative image (some are close-ups extracted from sections of the Berlin Wall, one is a close-up of a section of a late-night Berlin street during the cold war era, etc.), but not a picture of a discrete “thing.” I then tried to create on each page certain textures and moods, but limited myself by not using any nouns or pronouns (so you’ll know I’m using -ing words as participles, not as gerunds). And of course the way the image and the words are positioned on the page is also meant to function visually. Yet I feel that this work is still full of emotion and on some level it still has a “plot”, rising action, climax and resolution, etc. You be the judge.  Taking a word from Malevich, I call it OBJECTLESS. I hope readers find it interesting and worthwhile.

This will be a small-run edition (twenty-something copies), mostly distributed through Volcanic Tongue. I’ll have a few copies for sale here for the next week or two. I’d guess my copies will be sold out by October 10.

Our three regular releases for October, mentioned in the previous blog entry, are still planned for October 20. I’ll have some entries about those chapbooks over the next week or two, so please check back once or twice a week. As always, thank you for reading Kendra Steiner Editions chapbooks and this blog.

September 28, 2007

new chapbooks for October 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 4:46 am

We will be issuing three poetry chapbooks in October, probably around the 20th.

They are

KSE #68  MISTI RAINWATER-LITES, Lullabies for Jackson;


KSE #70  BILL SHUTE, Bridge To Nowhere (Sound Library Series, Volume 25).

September 27, 2007

new e-mail address

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 6:03 am

Our lycos e-mail address—-the “steinergurl” address managed by Kendra—-is no longer reliable, so from here on out please use my yahoo address, which is django5722 (at) yahoo (dot) com. It’s not good that we have over 1000 chapbooks circulating with the lycos address on them, or that the reviews we’ve received have mostly had the lycos address as our contact information. But an internet search for KSE will lead people either here or to Volcanic Tongue, so I guess anyone who really wants to get in touch will find us somehow.

django5722 (at) yahoo (dot) com

We’ve got some exciting new chapbooks scheduled for October. More on that in a few days.

September 24, 2007

Bill Shute poetry books from Word Mechanics

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 5:36 am

Beyond the various Kendra Steiner chapbooks, I have two “real” poetry books available, both published by Word Mechanics of Palm Springs, California (wordmechanics “at” inbox “dot” com):

TWELVE GATES TO THE CITY: THE LABOURS OF HERCULES IN THE LONE STAR STATE. This 24-page suite of 12 poems is a modern re-telling of the classical Labours of Hercules, set in contemporary Texas. It was featured at the mythological conference “In The Tracks of Hercules” in 2005. A beautifully crafted letter-press edition made on 200-year-old equipment. $8.00 postpaid. Written in early 2005.

POINT LOMA PURPLE: THE LIFE AND WORK OF KATHERINE TINGLEY (1847-1929), An Imagined History in Mosaic Verse. A 3300+ line historical poem in 18 sections, paralleling the 18 sections of the Bhagavad Gita…unlike any other poem you’ll ever read. Inspired by the poetic ideas of Ed Sanders (“investigative poetry” and his America series) and Charles Reznikoff (“Testimony”, “Holocaust”). 96-page perfect-bound edition. As a bonus, includes two out-of-print KSE chapbooks on the last few pages: FOUR TEXAS STREAMS (the first KSE chapbook) and PROTOTYPE (the story of the fictional “Mara” from Uvalde, one of the most popular KSE chaps and also a highlight of my readings). $10.00 postpaid. Written June 2005-January 2006.

These can be purchased directly from me. Check (or well-concealed cash) payable to Bill Shute, 8200 Pat Booker Rd. #399, San Antonio, Texas, 78233.

September 22, 2007

SPIRIT adapted to music by composer Paul Marbach

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 9:04 pm

I’m excited to announce that my 2006 chapbook SPIRIT (dedicated to Frank Samperi) has been adapted for a voice-piano musical piece by composer Paul Marbach of San Antonio, Texas (presently living in Austin). Earlier this year, Paul was visiting Kendra and was looking through the various Kendra Steiner Editions chapbooks on our fireplace (where I keep piles of the in-print ones for distribution—-we don’t use fireplaces in South Texas). He was very taken by COME ON, REACT and by SPIRIT, and he asked if he could adapt one of them to music. He has taken passages from SPIRIT (which was in 11 spare minimalist sections) and created this new (as yet incomplete) composition, “Spirit.” Kendra just sang some of it for me, accompanying herself on the piano, and I was blown away! Those who read music can take a look at the first eight pages of the sheet music in the file below…

draft of SPIRIT—-words by Bill Shute, music by Paul Marbach

September 21, 2007

upcoming KSE poetry chapbooks for late 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 3:49 pm

NEXT EXIT: FOUR is now available (see post below), and the next three volumes of that series are already scheduled. They should appear in the last few months of 2007 through the end of January 2008.

NEXT EXIT: FIVE. The first solo Next Exit volume, by Christopher Cunningham.

NEXT EXIT: SIX. Also a solo volume, but an all-Scotland collection, by Stuart Crutchfield.

NEXT EXIT: SEVEN. An all-England volume, featuring K.M. Dersley and Adrian Manning.

We also will have solo chapbooks coming from


DAVID KEENAN (late October or early November)

K. M. DERSLEY (November)


MICHAEL LAYNE HEATH (late 2007 or early 2008)

and GLENN W. COOPER (late 2007 or early 2008).

In addition, I will have some material of my own surfacing here and there, and Doug Draime and I have a long-term goal of producing a joint chapbook on spiritual themes. And I will try to coax Doug to do another solo chapbook for early 2008!

Also, I will donate some copies of Christopher’s Next Exit volume and both of Luis’s chapbooks to the Guerilla Poetics Project, so later this year you could purchase those books from the GPP, and ALL the proceeds would go straight into funding the GPP’s important work of getting independent poetry directly from author to reader, bypassing the established order and the established distribution chains. The GPP and all of us in the small-press-poetry community are basically fighting the same battle. We’re in the midst of a poetic renaissance right now, and there’s a lot of fine work being done out there under the radar. The GPP, Kendra Steiner Editions, and hundreds of other like-minded individuals and independent presses are trying to document and distribute this important work in new and different ways. Let’s face it, Small Press Distribution has had little if anything to do with authentic under-the-counter-culture publishing for many many years. The 70’s and early 80’s are long gone. SPD is about small presses in the same sense that Dimension or Mirimax or Fox Searchlight or Sony Classic Pictures are “independents.”

Many reading this will already be supporters or operatives of the GPP, but if you aren’t, check them out at   .

Thanks to all for your support and encouragement in 2007! Best wishes and positive vibrations from South Texas…

NEXT EXIT: FOUR now available!

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 3:20 pm

NEXT EXIT: FOUR (KSE #66) , a new ten-poem collection by ZACHARY C. BUSH and BRAD  KOHLER, rooted in the small towns of the South and the Rust Belt, is now available from Kendra Steiner Editions. Cost is $4.00 postpaid in North America. Check (or well-concealed cash) payable to Bill Shute, 8200 Pat Booker Rd. #399, San Antonio, Texas, 78233. Three previous Next Exit volumes have been published by Kendra Steiner Editions:

NEXT EXIT: ONE (Doug Draime and Bill Shute)

NEXT EXIT: TWO (Thomas Michael McDade and Bill Shute)

NEXT EXIT: THREE (Doug Draime and Misti Rainwater-Lites)

Three more volumes will be coming out over the next four months. I’ll soon post a message about those. Zachary C. Bush, still in his early 20’s, is one of America’s fastest rising poetic dynamos with two superb chapbooks under his belt so far. Working from Georgia, he reminds us once again that the South continues to create fascinating writers who manage to combine deep roots and bold experimentation. Brad Kohler has been publishing fiction, poetry, and music criticism for nearly two decades. He has published two chapbooks through Backwash Press and two chapbooks through Kendra Steiner Editions. No poet captures working-class life in the decayed steel and coal towns of Pennsylvania and Ohio more memorably than Brad–a man who does not own a computer or a car and who types his poems on the back of racing tip sheets, meat market flyers, and med charts from the healthcare facility where he works. These two poets offer a vital and unexpected poetic experience, and for a short ten-poem book, NEXT EXIT: FOUR packs a wallop and will not be soon forgotten. Get your copy now. Volume One came out in June and is nearly sold out. These will NOT be reprinted, so buy one now or pay collectors’ prices in the future.

Available now directly from KSE for immediate shipment. NEXT EXIT: FOUR will be available in Europe, through Volcanic Tongue in Glasgow, in about a month.

September 16, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 12:51 pm

Zachary C. Bush and I have finished our final proofing of NEXT EXIT: FOUR (where ZCB is paired with Brad Kohler), so that one should be out by September 25th as promised.

My own new chap is now available, a five-poem suite called NORWICH UNVEILED   (KSE #67). As with the most recent two—-IN PERSPECTIVE and LARKSPUR VARIATIONS—-this one grows out of my interest in the visual arts, this time the paintings of Edward Hopper. Everyone knows the common view of Hopper—-paintings of diners at 3 a.m., of women or couples seen through hotel or living room windows, of urban buildings, etc. Once I began to study his work and especially his technique, however, I saw how shallow that common view was. First, his work is completely UN-realistic. He seizes upon a few minor seemingly-unimportant details and exaggerates them until they almost become expressionistic. Also, the way he frames his compositions, one is rarely presented with anything complete. Important sections of the “Scene” are off the canvas–we usually find ourselves inferring and imagining important parts of the “scene”! And the people in his work…well, they are almost as if they’ve walked off the pages of something by Samuel Beckett or Harold Pinter…ciphers with vacant expressions.  Finally, when one looks closely at a typical Hopper painting, it seems to dissolve in front of the eyes…there’s a kind of blur.   It’s an incredibly rich body of work.    As Hopper would take a few details from different settings and use them as seeds for a painting, I used a rainy afternoon I spent in Norwich, Connecticut last month as my “seed” image. I also used a kind of “low angle” perspective, as Hopper often does, and I wove in some allusions to Kerouac’s TRISTESSA….the result is NORWICH UNVEILED, which I hope you enjoy. If anyone’s counting, this is my fourth chapbook set in New England (I think), along with SONNETS FOR BILL DOGGETT (one of the pieces there is set in New Jersey, but what the heck!), FANTASMATA 2007 (set in an abandoned building in Brockton, Massachusetts) and LARKSPUR VARIATIONS (set in Massaschusetts). 75% of my poetry is still set here in Texas (and most of the rest is, as they say about Poe, set “in the mind”), but New England is such a fascinating place, I am sure I will return to it here and there.

September 15, 2007

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal back for second KSE chapbook!

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 7:00 pm

L.A. poet Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, author of RAW MATERIALS and of the KSE chapbook WITHOUT PEACE, will be coming back for a second chapbook, probably in December, a sequence of poems inspired by and dedicated to one of his mentors, poet Luis Omar Salinas ( ). As always for Luis, this is a powerful collection full of heart and soul. I was floored by these pieces–you will be too. You all can save up four dollars by December, right?


Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 6:57 pm

Just sold the last copy of TELESMA CHARGING, the latest Stuart Crutchfield/Bill Shute collaboration, inspired by the music of Axolotl, and we hadn’t even gotten around to sending any copies to Volcanic Tongue, our major distributor, yet! So this one will go into a second printing, with a slightly different cover and a new numbering sequence.

September 11, 2007

new interview with Doug Draime

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 5:54 am

Check out this recent interview with Doug Draime:

We have three chapbooks featuring Doug:



and EYESTONE (which is almost sold out, so order one now!).

We hope to offer more of his work in the future…

September 10, 2007

Michael Layne Heath and Christopher Cunningham join KSE family of poets

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 4:05 pm

I’m very excited to announce that two of my favorite working poets—-MICHAEL LAYNE HEATH (from San Francisco) and CHRISTOPHER CUNNINGHAM (from the greater Atlanta area)—-have agreed to join our Kendra Steiner Editions family. We’re still working out the details, but chapbooks may be arriving in as soon as 2 or 3 months.

Michael has been writing for 20+ years, although he’s better known for his music writing than for his poetry. He was a pioneering fanzine writer/publisher back in the late 1970’s (I started my own punk/psych fanzine, INNER MYSTIQUE, in 1981, so in a sense I was following in his footsteps), and he’s continued to do all kinds of writing since then. Presently, he may be best-known for the liner notes he’s done for the Four Men With Beards/Water label (including such legendary albums as  Television’s MARQUEE MOON and Nelson Riddle’s LOLITA soundtrack). However, he is in addition a fine poet with two books to his credit: PUT IT THIS WAY and COUNT TO FIVE AND TELL THE TRUTH, both published by Feudal Gesture Press in 2006. Our books are also sitting near each other in the stacks at City Lights!!! He is able to capture San Francisco life so vividly I can taste it, and he manages to critique the BS and hypocrisy he sees without being judgmental or condescending or holier-than-thou. His work has a great flow, and he’s able to write about music and to integrate musical references into his work in a manner that really works—-man, is THAT rare! Michael does readings in the Bay Area, and I would love to read new chapbooks by him regularly–so I’m stepping in to see that happens by offering him an outlet here at Kendra Steiner Editions. Great to have you aboard, Michael!

Christopher Cunningham (no relation to the academic poet of the same name—-read two lines of one of OUR Christopher’s poems and you’ll know the difference!) is somewhat better known as he’s one of the main movers and shakers of the Guerilla Poetics Project AND he has published a number of superb chapbooks in recent years including THRU THE HEART OF THIS ANIMAL LIFE, from Liquid Paper Press ( );  AND STILL THE NIGHT LEFT TO GO (a unique two-volume set, featuring both verse and correspondence that sets forth the philosophy behind the poet’s art and role in society, published by Bottle of Smoke Press —-    ) ; and, most recently, FLOWERS IN THE SHADOW OF THE STORM,  just issued a few months ago by Sunnyoutside ( ).  If you can imagine a poet who writes with precision and understatement and elegance, yet at the same time kicks out the jams and has attitude to burn, CC is your man. I never thought I’d find a writer who has, simultaneously, the best qualities of both Hemingway and Cid Corman–but of course he’s much more than that. His lean, finely sculpted verse radiates with sense imagery that cuts into the reader like a fishhook. Life is a struggle, and CC is there on the frontline–getting it all down for the reader but still engaging in the fight himself.  Does it sound like I appreciate his work??? Welcome to you also, Chris.

In the big picture, Kendra Steiner Editions may be a micro-press, but we offer a powerful poetry line-up:
















Now, it’s back to work on Next Exit: Four…

September 8, 2007

September KSE News; Next Exit Four almost ready…

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 12:40 pm

We’re up to 525 unique visitors to the blog as of today—thanks!

The present book we’re highlighting is NEXT EXIT:THREE (KSE #64)by Doug Draime and Misti Rainwater-Lites. That is moving well and response is excellent. I’m sure the 89-copy edition will be sold out by December, if not sooner. You can read about it in earlier posts—-just scroll down from here.

Our next release is also ready…almost. NEXT EXIT: FOUR features Zachary C. Bush and Brad Kohler–ten new poems (five from each) on the small towns of the South and the Rust Belt.  Zachary brings an intoxicating fast-moving experimental approach and a superb eye for detail to his uniquely Southern vision (and of course, there’s a piece set in Oxford, Mississippi dedicated to Faulkner), and Brad Kohler (who has done two previous books for us–ENERGY FOOLS THE MAGICIAN and EXACTA BOX—-along with two works in past years published by Backwash Press, CURSED, POISONED, CONDEMNED and the amazing SUCKER BET DOWN IN CLASS) remains one of the great poets of the “Rust Belt”, along with Michael Ceraolo (who published MORE EUCLID CREEK with us earlier this year—-still available for $4, by the way!). Brad and I worked together writing for BLACK TO COMM magazine back in the 90’s (where we first met), and I have always been a great admirer of his distinctive vision of the horse racing tracks, diners, laundromats, dead-end jobs, and short-lived salvations among the working poor of the faded-out towns of Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and the like. Brad’s poetry is a window into that world. NEXT EXIT: FOUR will be an exciting combination of two original poetic voices. It will be available September 25–as usual, $4.00 postpaid. That will be KSE #66.

What is KSE #65, you may ask if you’ve been keeping track? Well, that is a small-run and small-sized (half our regular size–it’s 4″ by 2.75″) piece of mine called ALIGNED INTO MEMORY. Recently I’ve been studying  pre-WWII avant-garde graphic arts (especially the work of H.N. Werkman), and I was also very much inspired by the visual art-and-text combinations I saw when visiting the Rhode Island School of Design in August. What I did with this piece was to take an old poem of mine called “Aligned Into Memory” from an early chapbook that had limited distribution (most copies distributed in Canada, never distributed by Volcanic Tongue), do some editing to it, and work it into a visual field, spreading the poem over five small pages. I’ve sent a few of these to poet and artist friends, and the rest will be sent to Volcanic Tongue as a free gift to anyone who buys any Kendra Steiner Editions chapbook from VT.  Stuart and I have integrated visuals into the text of some of our books—-TELESMA CHARGING, FANTASMATA 2007, UPSIDE-DOWN, and PYTHAGORON TWO—-and I expect we will continue to experiment in that area.

Upcoming projects for the fall include a new collection of poems by K.M. Dersley, following on the heels of his June chapbook RETROSPECTIVE FORECASTS, and a new multi-part work from Misti Rainwater-Lites called LULLABIES FOR JACKSON, which is a beautiful collection of poetic “lullabies” to her as-yet-unborn son, Jackson. We’re also at work gathering material for a NEXT EXIT: FIVE, which we’d like to put out by Christmas, if possible. I’m working on a few other pieces of my own, but I’ve learned the hard way not to announce those until they are finished. I listed a book I hadn’t finished in our Summer 2007 circular, CACTUS BARRIER (cinema poetry series, volume 2), and I still haven’t completed that, so I’ll hold off on announcing any projects that are not actually finished–Keith Dersley’s and Misti’s books are actually finished.

Thanks for your support. Check the blog every week or so and keep reading and supporting small press poetry and online poetry. I’ve been reading and enjoying two chapbooks by English poet Adrian Manning recently–REPEATING THE MANTRA and WRETCHED SONGS FOR OUT OF TUNE MUSICIANS, both published by Bottle of Smoke Press ( ), and the fine books published by Manning’s own press, Concrete Meat Press ( ). Adrian has produced beautifully crafted books and broadsides with a distinctive feel and look and a unique aesthetic. In particular, his integration of watercolors into the books is visual poetry of the highest order. One of the books is ON THE BACK PORCH by Ronald Baatz, a poet based in upstate New York. I was familiar with Baatz because of the split chapbook he did recently with my Albuquerque pal and KSE poet Mark Weber (it’s called POEMS & DOODLES, but isn’t yet listed on Mark’s website, which is at ), but that did not prepare me for this amazing 50-part work which is a brilliant modern updating and extension of the poetic idyll. I will be reading this book for years. As in Mark Weber’s work, Mr. Baatz is able to take seemingly humdrum everyday occurrences and find their cosmic significance, to suggest how each detail works into the mosaic that is each day of life. It’s exciting to read major works such as this and realize THIS IS BEING WRITTEN A YEAR AGO BY SOMEONE LIVING AND PUBLISHING RIGHT NOW. It’s easy to want to sit around praising dead Beat poets, or people who are past their prime and coasting on fumes at this point, but there are masterpieces being written today, and we won’t find them unless we keep looking for new work and keep buying small press books.

Well, I’ve lectured enough for now. Will get back to work on Next Exit: Four and printing more of Next Exit: Three and Telesma Charging.

September 2, 2007

NEXT EXIT:THREE (Doug Draime/Misti Rainwater-Lites) now available!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 8:46 am

The exciting new chapbook NEXT EXIT: THREE, featuring 12  poems from two of America’s most exciting, edgy poets—-Doug Draime and Misti Rainwater-Lites—-is now available. As with the previous two NEXT EXIT books, these pieces are all named after small towns and are the poet’s depiction of the “world” of those places. Doug and Misti will take you to these places in an intense and vibrant way that will make you think you are there (and considering the depressing/repressive nature of some of these towns, you’ll be glad it’s only a vicarious journey!!!).  You can read more about this book by scrolling down to the post entitled “Doug Draime and Misti Rainwater-Lites, the Ultimate Poetry Tag Team.” NEXT EXIT: THREE is available for $4.00 postpaid in North America. Or why not order all three volumes of NEXT EXIT for only $10.00? The first volume (featuring Doug Draime) is almost sold out, and the second volume (featuring Thomas Michael McDade) will be sold out in a month or two at the rate it’s going. Send check or well-concealed cash to Bill Shute, 8200 Pat Booker Rd. #399, San Antonio, Texas, 78233. I will also be happy to trade chapbooks with other poets, wherever they are located (write me at steinergurl (at) lycos (dot) com  for details).  Many thanks to Doug and Misti for their fine work on this project! (Europeans should order this book from Volcanic Tongue in Glasgow–they’ll have it in stock by around October 1st)

four new reviews from Volcanic Tonuge

Filed under: Uncategorized — kendrasteinereditions @ 8:29 am

The September 1 new release list from our European distributor, Volcanic Tongue, contains write-ups on four recent KSE books. Here they are:

MICHAEL CASEY–THE BOPPER  .  New collection of poems from Casey that plot the Kafka-esque intrigues, petty spirit-crushing politics, goof-off survival tactics and desperate moments of pathos while working in a faceless office environment. Hand-numbered edition of 78 copies.

STUART CRUTCHFIELD–PITH  .  New collection from Glasgow-based poet Stuart Crutchfield, with a series of meditations on Henry Miller, Glaswegian space, tedious philosophers and raga forms. Edition of 29 hand-numbered copies.

BILL SHUTE–LARKSPUR VARIATIONS (FOR FRANCIS BACON) . New very limited (only 19 hand-numbered copies and already sold-out at source) collection of poems from Bill Shute, this time out themed around visions of New England refracted through the aesthetic of Francis Bacon to create collaged synaesthetic word-instants that transport you right into Bill’s eyeballs. Shute describes it as being “like a literary New England-based take on The Faust Tapes.” So dig in. Recommended.

BILL SHUTE–IN PERSPECTIVE .  Another very limited new collection from Shute in a painterly style that seems to reflect back to some of his earlier Kendra Steiner work. These are sketches of North Texas done under the spell of David Hockney, Vanessa Bell, Francis Bacon and Stanley Spencer and they are supremely tactile, sensuous evocations of overloaded vision in space.

We have THE BOPPER and PITH available for $4.00 each, postpaid in North America. Our copies of IN PERSPECTIVE and LARKSPUR VARIATIONS are sold out; Volcanic Tongue has the only remaining copies.

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